Welcome to Hounslow Events
The application process for outdoor events and hires in parks and open spaces in Hounslow has changed.
London Borough of Hounslow uses Event App, a web based system for applying to use parks and open spaces within the borough for events. This helps us to process your application quickly and to share information with all concerned as efficiently as possible.
When you first apply you will need to register your details to set up an account. The next time you visit you can simply login and the system will remember your basic details and you can check the details of your applications.
Completed application forms must be submitted according to the following timescales prior to the proposed event, in order for applications to be considered:
- An event with attendance of 0-499 requires a minimum of 2 months’ notice.
- An event with attendance of 500-4,999 requires a minimum of 4-6 months’ notice.
- An event with attendance of 5,000 and above requires a minimum of 8 months’ notice.
Please note if the event includes the sale of alcohol, major funfair rides and have an impact on traffic, generate noise or potential disruption a minimum of 8 months’ notice is required.
· Please read our events policy which can be found on the right hand side of this page.
· E-mail Events@hounslow.gov.uk to check the site you want is available on the required date and to confirm the fee based on location, event type and days on site. A provisional diary booking can be made to secure the venue (this initial booking doesn't imply full consent to deliver the event).
· As part of your application you need to provide supporting information. This can either be combined into one overall event management plan, or can be submitted as individual documents.
· You may find the London Events Toolkit helpful (link found on the right hand side of this page). It explains what your responsibilities are, and how you can plan a safe and successful event.
· Submitting an application does not mean you have booked the space. Your application will go through a period of consultation before a decision is made. Organisers whose events may cause significant impact on the site or surrounding area may be required to attend one or more Safety Advisory Group meetings before final permission is granted.
If your application is approved, you will be issued with conditional approval for the event. Please make sure you read the document thoroughly as you will be bound by the conditions stated within this agreement.
Useful Links:
- London Events Toolkit website: www.londoneventstoolkit.co.uk
Apply to hold an event
Please follow this link to begin your application