Welcome to Tauranga City Council’s FilmApp
Tauranga provides a multitude of beautiful and diverse backdrops for videography and commercial photography purposes.
To apply to film in Tauranga, you will need to register in FilmApp.
Applying for a Film Permit:
FilmApp is a simple film permit application platform that helps streamline the application process.
If you know where you’d like to film and have your supporting documentation ready, you can get started with two easy steps:
- Register yourself with FilmApp. Each time you login you can select an existing production or create a new application. FilmApp conveniently allows you to save draft applications to complete later.
- Click on ‘Apply for a permit’ and work through the tabs.
Low impact filming and/or commercial photography
A minimum of one-week notice is required if your filming includes:
· handheld camera/sound equipment
· vehicles associated with the filming parked legally at all times
· no trucks/trailers
· no structures
· no filming on roads
· no disruption to the public, businesses, or residents
Medium to high impact filming and/or commercial photography
Filming that does not fall into the above category requires further notice – please contact the Film & Events Facilitator at filming@tauranga.govt.nz to discuss.
Please note, any filming requiring road closures requires a minimum of four weeks’ notice.
Filming Fees
There is a fee associated with filming on public open space. Fees are set through Council’s Users Fees & Charges and are subject to change. The fee applied is dependent on the scale/complexity of the proposed filming. Council’s Event & Film Facilitator will be able to advise the fee that will apply.
Filming facilitation fees (2023/24):
Half day (up to four hours) Full day
Low impact $115 $115
Medium impact $170 $340
High impact $340 $675
Audit fee - one off charge $115
For further details about the application process and information required, please contact the Event & Film Facilitator at filming@tauranga.govt.nz
For further details about the application process and information required, please contact the Event & Film Facilitator at filming@tauranga.govt.nz
Film Bay of Plenty
Tauranga’s regional film office, Film Bay of Plenty, is on hand to service your production and help to grow screen media in the Bay of Plenty region. From location scouting through to crew and service provision, please feel free to contact Film Bay of Plenty for any local guidance or assistance.
Technical queries and support
Technical queries and support
For any technical queries relating to FilmApp, please contact the software provider at support@apply4.com / 0800 424 325. The FilmApp customer support team will be happy to help.
Apply for Permit
Please follow this link to begin your application