Welcome to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Event Application Tool (EventApp)
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council uses this website to process applications for events on private land or on public land owned by the Council.
Before holding an event on Borough Council land, you must receive prior permission from the Council in the form of a Conditional Agreement. You are bound by the conditions stated within the Conditional Agreement which ensures that the event will be safely managed and a ‘Duty of care’ is observed at all times throughout the event for both the attending public and those charged with running the event.
The online application will go through each aspect of your event, you will need to ensure you attach your Event Management Plan, Risk Assessment and Event Plan/Map to your online event application together with your public/employers liability insurance. You can do this on the ‘Supportive Documents’ section of the application form.
Before you apply we recommend that you read the Organising Events – Can Do Guide which you will find in the Useful Documents section on the right hand side of this page. In addition if your event is on or near a highway such as a street party, parade, carnival, march etc. you will need to apply for a road closure as part of the event planning. The link to the Temporary Street Closure Application Form can also be found in the Useful Documents section.
If you have any questions regarding organising an event in Tunbridge Wells please email events@tunbridgewells.gov.uk
Apply to hold an event
Please follow this link to begin your application or log into your account