Applying for a permit using the Apply4 platform
Step 1 -
Sign up for an account:
Step 2 - Log In:
Step 3 - Select the right app. Select the right
permitting authority. Complete your application using the help text to answer
any questions.
Step 4 - Submit you application,
agree to the terms and conditions and receive a summary document.
Step 5 - Use your dashboard to follow your
application's progress and make any changes. To do this go to and clicking on whichever application you are applying
Application basics
Throughout the application fields marked: ‘*’, are
Hovering over the blue question mark gives further
You can navigate through the application by
clicking on the different tabs on the left side of the page. When it is
complete the tab will have a green circle with a tick to its left. If we need
more information then the
circle will be grey.
Click ‘Next’ to progress to the next section or
‘Previous’ to go back. You can also navigate between sections by clicking on
the different tabs. You save your progress as you move between sections.
You can save your application as a draft at any
time by clicking ‘Save as draft’. Having done this you
can log out and come back to the application at a later date. The application
is also saved at regular intervals.
When you have finished everything click the Submit
Application button.
Contact us at if you have any questions for us or
feedback on our platform.
Accessibility basics
Navigating the website using a keyboard:
If you're unable to use a mouse or keyboard, you can "focus" on any
question, button, or link on our application form using the tab button.
You can use the arrow buttons to go through options on dropdown menus. You can
use the enter key to "click" on an option, once you've focussed on