Welcome to Queenstown Lakes District Council FilmApp


Queenstown Lakes District Council offices will be closed for the holiday period between Tuesday 24 December and Friday 3 January. As the various permit teams require at least five working days to process and assess film permits, the earliest filming date a permit will be able to be issued for following the break will be Friday 10 January.


FilmApp by Apply4 is a simple film permit application platform that helps streamline the permit application process. 
Any commercial filming that takes place on Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) land will first require an approved film permit from QLDC. There may also be other permissions or consents required for higher-impact productions. If you’re planning a more complex production, please get in touch with us for a preliminary discussion as soon as possible via film@qldc.govt.nz

Even if you don't require a film permit from us, we'd still like to know about your filming plans as we may be able to help in other ways. So please get in touch via the email above.
If you’re ready to apply for a QLDC film permit and have all your information to hand, you can get started with two easy steps:  
  • Register yourself with FilmApp/Apply4. Each time you login you can select an existing production or create a new application. FilmApp conveniently allows you to save draft applications to complete later.  
  • Click on ‘Apply for a permit’ and work through the tabs.   
Read more about QLDC Film Permits here: Film permits (qldc.govt.nz) 
Documents Required:

You'll need to have the following documents ready to submit your application:
  • Specific locations clearly identified plus a detailed map showing where/how the location will be used (refer to GIS Maps if needed).
  • Public Liability Insurance certificate for a minimum sum of $2M - further insurance may be requested for higher risk productions.
  • Health & Safety plan – please refer to ScreenSafe New Zealand for further information about Health and Safety in the New Zealand Screen Sector.
  • Health and Safety Policy – refer to ScreenSafe template if needed.
  • If using a drone – CAA Part 102 certification (all drone use on or over QLDC land requires Part 102 certification - find a list of Part 102 operators here).
  • If filming on a road – confirmation that a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) has been submitted through a Corridor Access Request.
  • If filming on the water surface – confirmation that an Event Water Safety Plan has been submitted for Harbourmaster assessment/approval.

For basic low to medium impact permits: Please allow at least five working days from lodging your fully completed permit application to receive your approved permit. Missing or incomplete information will delay the processing of your application. 
For complex or higher impact permits: Productions with special requirements such as road closures, waterways filming, set builds etc. will require additional permissions and will take longer than five working days to process. Please get in touch with us in the first instance to discuss. 
View our Tiered Film Permit Fee Schedule here: QLDC Tiered Film Permit Fee Schedule
Medium and higher impact productions may also require a bond. 
Other permissions: 
There are other permissions you may be required to obtain when filming in the Queenstown Lakes District that aren’t included in your FilmApp application including: 
  • Harbourmaster permission for filming activity on the water 
  • Road Closures and Corridor Access Requests for filming on the road
  • Hiring QLDC Venues 
  • Resource consents 
  • Filming at airports 
  • Permissions from other landowners and agencies such as Department of Conservation, Land Information New Zealand, iwi or private landowners 
Please get in touch with us at film@qldc.govt.nz to discuss these other permission requirements. 
Film Queenstown Lakes: 
QLDC has an in-Council film office, Film Queenstown Lakes, that can help with other aspects of your filming outside of permits, such as sourcing local crew and equipment, location information, community connections and more. Find out more or get in touch with the film office here: Film Queenstown Lakes - QLDC 
Film Otago Southland: 
There is also a regional film support organisation – Film Otago Southland – that exists to support your filming and connect you with the right contacts across the wider Otago and Southland region.  Find out more or get in touch with Film Otago Southland here: Home » Film Otago Southland 

For any technical queries relating to FilmApp, please contact the software provider support@apply4.com / 0800 424 325. The FilmApp customer support team will be happy to help. 

Data use and privacy:

Data and personal information collected by FilmApp for QLDC as part of the online film permit application is routed via FilmApp’s servers in the UK. It is not accessible to third parties, although FilmApp may occasionally need to access data to provide customer and technical support. This means that the data is only accessible to QLDC and FilmApp and is covered by QLDC’s privacy policy as to use and disclosures.